
Basic Installation

  1. Install the package along with Sphinx.

    There are two ways to install the extension. Using pip:

    $ pip install sphinxcontrib-fulltoc

    or from the source tree:

    $ python install
  2. Add the extension to the list in your settings file for each project where you want to use it:

    extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.fulltoc']
  3. Rebuild all of the HTML output for your project.

Advanced Use

If you have customized the theme for your documentation, and especially if you have modified the way sidebars are applied, you may need to take some additional configuration steps.


The localtoc.html template is used to insert the table of contents in the sidebar of an HTML page. By default it looks like:

{%- if display_toc %}
  <h3><a href="{{ pathto(master_doc) }}">{{ _('Table Of Contents') }}</a></h3>
  {{ toc }}
{%- endif %}

sphinxcontrib-fulltoc forces display_toc to be set to True and replaces the toc variable with the full table of contents. If your localtoc.html document has been changed, you may need to update it to include {{ toc }}, or restore the template to the default.

The Full Full TOC

If you do not want the table of contents collapsed to ignore subheadings on other pages, you can replace the {{ toc }} line in localtoc.html with a call to toctree(), which accepts two parameters.


Generate a table of contents relative to the current document.

Parameters:collapse (bool) – Controls whether or not remote parts of the tree are shown. Setting to True only shows internal links on the current page. Setting to False shows internal links on all pages.
Returns:HTML text of the table of contents